Mystery Houses

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In most cases little information exists about the houses listed here, including even the state where they might exist, or have existed. They are put in this location in hopes that their existence can be verified by someone, and that more information will be forthcoming. They are listed here to provide a focus, rather than to just put them in some state and hope that someone sees that something is wrong. Where the state is thought to be known, houses might be listed in both places.

  • A Octagon house. A photo signed by Schuman Crosby, May 12, 1899, to Admiral Fred Rodgers, USN. Nothing else known.

    Left click on the image below for a larger version.

    Source: Ellen Puerzer.
    Entered: May, 2011.
  • B Octagon house. Said to be in Washinton county, CT, but it does not match any house already on the inventory, and there is no further informaton available about the house for now. It cannot be said for sure to be in CT at all. The photograph was taken by Joseph West, of Washington, CT, and is presumably a family home.

    Left click on the image below for a larger version.

    Sources: Ellen Puerzer. Stephen Bartkus, Curator Gunn Memorial Library and Museum.
    Entered: July, 2009.

  • C Octagon house. Other than the photograph, there is no information about this house.

    Left click on the image below for a larger version.

    Source: Ellen Puerzer.
    Entered: December, 2009.
  • D Octagon house. Other than the photograph, there is no information about this house.

    Left click on the image below for a larger version.

    Source: Ellen Puerzer.
    Entered: February, 2010.
  • E Octagon house. Other than the painting, there is no information about this house.

    Left click on the image below for a larger version.

    Sources: Ellen Puerzer. Jonathan Hallam.
    Entered: November, 2010.
  • F Octagon house. Other than the daguerreotype, there is no information about this house. The daguerreotype was recently purchased in Schoharie, NY, but does not appear to be a house in that area.

    Left click on the image below for a larger version.

    Source: Ellen Puerzer.
    Entered: March, 2011.
  • G Octagon house. Other than the photograph, there is no information about this house.

    Left click on the image below for a larger version.

    Source: Ellen Puerzer.
    Entered: April, 2018.
  • H Octagon house. The photograph was found in Utica, Mohawk valley. Nothing else known.

    Left click on the image below for a larger version.

    Sources: Ellen Puerzer. Gregory Hubbard.
    Entered: June, 2011.
  • I Hexagon house. Thought to have been in Allegheny County, PA. Maybe South Pittsburgh, or maybe in Miffin Township, in Eastern PA, etc.

    Left click on the image below for a larger version.

    Source: Ellen Puerzer.
    Entered: April, 2012.
  • J Octagon house. Not clear whether it is a house, part of a barn, or part of a religious organization of old. The photo was found at a DC Big Flea held in CHantilly, VA, from a local dealer who clears houses. He only recalled that some of the old things in that paper group were related to a lone time preseident of St. Johns College, in Annapolis.

    Left click on the images below for larger versions.

    Source: Ellen Puerzer.
    Entered: March, 2015.
  • K Octagon house.

    Left click on the image below for a larger version.

    Source: Ellen Puerzer.
    Entered: November, 2021.
  • L Octagon house.

    Left click on the image below for a larger version.

    Source: Ellen Puerzer.
    Entered: April, 2015.
  • M Octagon school. In Nova Scotia.

    Left click on the image below for a larger version.

    Source: Ellen Puerzer.
    Entered: September, 2015.
  • N Octagon house. Appears to have three tiny dormers.

    Left click on the image below for a larger version.

    Source: Ellen Puerzer.
    Entered: June, 2022.

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